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Membrana Crosslink Ossix Plus 30x40mm Colagen Osificabil Resorbtie 6luni
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1289 RON

Membrana Crosslink Ossix Plus 30x40mm Colagen Osificabil Resorbtie 6luni

Ossifying Collagen Barrier Membrane
Powered by GLYMATRIX Technology use cross-link collagen molecules in a bioprogrammable collagen matrix, which can be tailored to deliver products of varying physical properties and customized longevity which powers the OSSIX family of regenerative solutions for Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) and Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) procedures.

 Slowly reabsorbed collagen membrane.

OSSIX Plus Features & Benefits

OSSIX Plus is a resilient resorbable collagen barrier membrane:

  • Maintains barrier functionality for 4-6 Months
  • Resistant to degradation when exposed for 3-5 weeks
  • Excellent handling properties, adapts and conforms to defects, and adheres well to tissue.
  • Porcine type I collagen derived, provides excellent biocompatibility and longevity

Barrier Function with True Ossification

Ossification is defined as the formation of bone, the state of being changed into a bony substance. OSSIX Plus is the only barrier membrane that ossifies.

Often, RTM collagen membranes are preferred for their handling, as they are not very fragile or very hard, allowing them to easily hang from the crest but if it collapses into defects.
It has a high resistance which allows the stabilization of the membrane with sutures, screws or nails of smooth handling, but not weak.
RTM Collagen has a high reabsorption rate , making it the most durable membrane on the market.

Ossix Plus are cel mai mare grad de biocopatibilitate comparativ cu restul membranelor de collagen.
Desi in ultimii ani regenerarea osoasa ghidata a devenit o procedura de rutina larg raspandita, scopul acesteia – aparitia de os nou, similar in structura si functie osului alveolar originar – este arareori indeplinit. Aceasta poate fi una dintre cauzele “epidemiei” de periimplantita din prezent.
Tehnologia Glymatrix permite control perfect si abilitatea de a crea dispozitive medicale pentru regenerarea osoasa maxilofaciala cum ar fi
OSSIX PLUS, OSSIX VOLUMAX si OSSIX BONE – produse cu un istoric de siguranta si eficacitate de 16 ani. OSSIX PLUS este o membrana ce functioneaza ca bariera totala mai mult de 6 luni cand este acoperita, 3-5 saptamani daca este expusa si care se osifica, devenind un strat suplimentar de os dens. OSSIX VOLUMAX este membrana perfecta pentru a augmenta grosimea si restaura peretii ososi. OSSIX BONE este un filler osos de inalta eficienta ce nu lasa reziduri osoase.

Ribose Cross-linked Membranes (RCM) Modern collagen cross-linking techniques exist which are based on the natural sugar Ribose. Following a physiological process which is equivalent to the naturally occurring glycation process in the human body, a high degree of cross-linking of collagen can be achieved without affecting the biocompability of native collagen. Therefore, Ribose cross-linked membranes feature a long barrier profile combined with a high biocompatibility. The OSSIX® PLUS membrane is manufactured following this patented and proprietary technology (GLYMATRIX® process).OSSIX® PLUS este o membrana biodegradabila de colagen, obtinuta prin proceduri de fabricatie standardizate si controlate.
Colagenul este extras din tendoane obtinute de la porcine care sunt supuse inspectiei veterinare si este purificat pentru a preveni reactiile de hipersensibilitate. OSSIX® PLUS este ambalat intr-un blister dublu sigilat introdus intr-o cutie de carton si este sterilizat in stadiul final cu oxid de etilena (OEt).
OSSIX® PLUS este ambalat intr-un ambalaj blister dublu cu o singura membrana, in care blisterul exterior contine un material sablon (fara colagen), iar blisterul interior contine membrana OSSIX® PLUS, de unica folosinta.

- Are un excelent profil de biocompatibilitate, ceea ce determina un potential scazut de a provoca hipersensibilitatea;
- Are o structura poroasa; dimensiunea porilor sai este ocluziva pentru celulele gingivale, dar permite totusi trecerea lichidelor si a proteinelor din plasma, care ajuta la inchiderea lamboului;
- Nu dispune de autosustinere si prin urmare se recomanda utilizarea sa impreuna cu un suport de tipul unei grefe osoase, al unei alogrefe, xenogrefe sau cu un substitut osos osteoconductiv si/sau osteoinductiv sau cu o combinatie a acestora;
- Isi mentine integritatea structurala in stare umeda;
- Ia usor forma marginii alveolare.

Un stiudiu efectuat la animale a aratat ca

degradarea OSSIX® PLUS este incheiata dupa aproximativ 8 luni

Cross-linked Membranes In addition to physical and chemical cleaning of the native collagen tissue, cross-linked collagen membranes undergo an additional biochemical purification process. By enzymatic treatment, e.g. with Pepsin, the collagen is brought back into its monomeric state. This allows efficient removal of the potentially immunogenic telopeptides which are present in the native collagen. However, the natural collagen cross-linking and the physical structure and barrier function of the native collagen tissue are completely lost after this treatment. By adding an appropriate cross-linking agent, membranes can be reconstituted from the purified monomeric collagen. By varying the degree of cross-linking, the physical behavior as well as the resorption profile can be tailored.5 Compared to the manufacturing of native collagen membranes, this method bears the advantage that membranes with longer resorption profiles can be generated.
